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NEWS – Collaboration Counts


If ever there is any good that comes out of having a heart attack this has to be it. I am delighted to announce the collaboration with the very talented Amba King on a new book venture.

Amba, who is the daughter of Robert, a very kind gentlemen who stopped and helped when I collapsed in the street, studies at Sheffield Hallam University and one of her graduation projects is the illustration of a children’s book.

Amba’s idea is based around a child overcoming her fear of learning to swim using her own experiences as a swimming teacher. We have come up with a delightful story around a girl called Delilah and Peter the Platypus to overcome her fear of the water and I am really excited to see the end result.

We have planned out the initial story line of what will be a 22 page, heavily illustrated book aimed at 3-7 year old's. It has a strong storyline which uses the illustrations to support the minimal narrative.

Amba has a detailed timeline and task list that will end by 25th April (2022) with a hardback book which Amba will submit towards her graduation and we are hoping we can get published – and we have ideas for future books too.

In addition, Amba will take on an additional task, as part of her coursework, of supporting me with development of The Adventures of Poppy and Lord Ted’s teachers’ packs by preparing 5-6 outline drawings for children to download and colour-in from the Lord Ted Fan Club site. These can be used by teachers or children and downloaded free of charge from the Fan Club site.

More news to follow on these exciting new initiatives.

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